

The Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica is first and foremost a House of God and sacred place for
Catholic worship. As a historical site and registered landmark under the National Trust for Historic
Preservation, the Cathedral-Basilica reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withhold and or withdraw
permission to record video or photograph on its premises. The Cathedral-Basilica further reserves the
right to withhold and or withdraw permission for the reproduction of materials resulting from recorded
video or photograph on its premises. Policies have been outlined to guide the faith community, users of,
and visitors to the Cathedral-Basilica.

General Conduct
Still photography and video recording is permitted for private, non-commercial use only. Photographs or
recorded video cannot be published, reproduced, sold, transferred, distributed, or commercially used
whatsoever. Individuals taking private, non-commercial photography or video must not enter the lower or
upper Sanctuaries, block aisles, pathways, entrances or exits, or obstruct the flow of liturgies or events at
any time. If deemed necessary, at the discretion of Cathedral-Basilica personnel, individuals considered
to be a distraction or disruption will be asked to refrain from taking photographs and or video, and may be
escorted out from the church.

Professional Photography
Parties interested in professional photography may hire a private company to take photographs for their
events at the Cathedral-Basilica. The Cathedral-Basilica must be informed of the company’s name at
least two (2) weeks prior to the event. Photography produced by the company may not be used for
commercial purposes with the intent to publish, reproduce, sale, transfer, or distribute images of the
Cathedral-Basilica as the subject.
The Cathedral-Basilica reserves the right to approve final content for anything in which the Cathedral-
Basilica or its properties will appear, either by name or by visual representation. For books, videos, films
or other projects, the Cathedral-Basilica must receive full details of any dialogue, written content or other
accompanying information for review prior to approval. The Cathedral-Basilica reserves the right to
decline any request for any reason, including any project that Cathedral-Basilica personnel believes could
reflect negatively upon the church, its parishioners or its integrity as a sacred place of worship.

Professional Video Recording
Parties interested in professional video recording may not hire a private company to record video for their
events (i.e. baccalaureate Masses, graduations, weddings, funerals, etc.) at the Cathedral-Basilica. The
Cathedral-Basilica currently provides exclusive use of professional video recording services through its
Media Ministry professionals and equipment. The use of the in-house video recording system eliminates
the constant movement and distraction caused by roving cameras and its operators, and helps to
maintain the reverence of liturgies and events at the Cathedral-Basilica.
The Cathedral-Basilica Media Ministry has the ability to produce both small and large quantities of
professional, quality DVDs using state-of-the-art digital robotic and remote cameras operated by trained
professionals. DVDs are made with you in mind, capturing the most precious moments for your events at
the Cathedral-Basilica.
Please schedule an appointment with the Cathedral-Basilica Media Ministry by contacting 671.472.6201
or emailing mediaministries@aganacathedral.org.


1668年:サンビトレス神父がグアムに上陸。1699年に初めのカトリック教会が建てられた。 グアムにカトリックが布教されてから今年で339年目となる。当時の酋長キプアがサンビトレス司教に教会の土地を提供。カトリック信者となったキプア酋長の遺体は大聖堂内に安らかに眠っている。



ショップ & ミュージアム

《ギフトショップ》 大聖堂の脇にあるギフトショップ。奇跡のメダルやルルドのロザリオ、また可愛い天使の置物などが注目商品。営業時間:月〜土(10:00-18:00)

《バシリカカフェ》 ギフトショップ入り口の小さなカフェ。 風味豊かなカリビアンスタイルのディッシュがメイン。ドリンクも豊富でトロピカルフルーツのスムージーはおすすめ。営業時間:月〜金(10:00-16:00)

《ナショナル・ミュージアム》9月21日にリニューアルオープン。 入館は予約制で通常は月〜金(8:30〜16:00)開館している。詳細はギフトショップにて問い合わせください。


《ピゴ墓地》大聖堂よりマリンドライブを南下5分。 アニグアという町あるカトリック墓地。 日本の建設会社も携わり、2004年12月にリニューアルされた。入り口には9フィートのイエスキリストと12人の使徒の石像が立ち並び、夜には美しくライトアップされる。

